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Spring 2023


In Honors Portfolio Development, I took the StrengthsFinder evaluation. This evaluation required me to answer a series of questions regarding how I act and think as a leader, scholar, community member, and many other roles I take on in my life. The evaluation took forty minutes to complete. At the end of the evaluation, it provided me with my top five strengths and a detailed description of what those strengths mean. My strengths were, in this order, strategic, input, futuristic, maximizer, and ideation.


My top strength was being strategic, which I feel is true. I often jump into positions where I am solving problems and enjoy applying my critical thinking skills to reach solutions. I am quick at pointing out relevant patterns and identifying issues. My second strength was input. I initially didn’t understand what this one meant, but as I read the description it became very clear that this describes me well. I actively seek out and pour over information on topics in which I am interested in. I also tend to collect and archive. I have several binders of printed out schoolwork that I keep.


My third strength was futuristic. I was surprised this strength wasn’t my top strength because this strength has been very present in my life the last few years. I often become obsessed with the future and plan my life out excessively far. I struggle to use this as a strength because it often feels like a weakness. My last two strengths, maximizer, and ideation, talk about how I generate ideas and have things to say about a very broad range of topics. I am also sensitive about what others think of my ideas.


I feel as if these are all extremely accurate, and I identified strongly with each strength. Knowing what my strengths are will help me better understand how I can be a strong leader and communicate effectively with others. I have a natural tendency to seek leadership positions because I have so many ideas and a desire to act. But I can be a controlling, which is not a great trait to have when it comes to collaboration and leadership. The StrengthFinder inventory helped me better understand why it is that I can be controlling. I have a lot to say and a lot of ideas, but I fear rejection and not being heard. Being in leadership roles helps me feel more secure in sharing my ideas and moving the group in the direction I want to go.


I need to work more on being less controlling and more collaborative. A good leader will listen to the group and consider everyone’s ideas when making decisions. I want to continue embracing who I am. I enjoy forming plans, ideas, and looking towards the future. But not everyone shares that enjoyment. It will benefit me and the people I lead to slow down and listen more. I want to be a leader who represents their constituents as their voice. In the future, I will listen more and talk less.

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